What I Did For Love

14 Feb

As is well-documented on this site, my theory on Valentine’s Day — especially if you’re like me and don’t have anyone to spend the day with — is to be good to yourself and spend the day doing things you love. So despite the storm (which sounds worse as it hits the skylights in my office than it actually is outside), I made the hike over to Sam Lagrassa’s for lunch today. And damn if it wasn’t worth it. As always, my roast beef was freshly sliced and warm, the Italian roll was doughy and good, and the mayonnaise, lettuce, and cucumber provided the perfect accompaniments. Suffice it to say, it was yet another excellent sandwich from Sam’s. And thanks to one of my coworkers, who ordered holiday cupcakes for the office, I also had a tasty dessert.

So, storm be damned, I am in love — with myself. I hope you all have Valentines who go that extra mile to make you happy today too.

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