Archive | 6:00 pm

Taking My Time

7 Feb

In every issue, Esquire runs a few quick endorsements.

So allow me to run one of my own: the random day off.

I’ve become a big fan of taking nothing-special-to-do, just-a-day-off days off as a chance to just hang out, relax, and catch up on my life. I took a couple in December when I was trying to burn them off (at my company, if you don’t use your days off, you lose them), and I took one today too.

The benefits of these kinds of days off are plentiful: You can sleep in. You can watch morning TV shows, such as Regis & Kelly, or Ellen, or old Dawson’s Creek reruns (oh, and today’s was a classic from back when Brittany Daniel was on). You can run errands at stores like Shaw’s or Target, go to the movies (more on that later), or walk down Newbury Street, and all of it is practically empty.

Similarly, you can actually do your laundry because no one else is competing for the machines. I also enjoy treating myself to a nice-er lunch, or rewarding myself simply because I’m not at work.

I’ll likely take another day in a month or two so I can go to the doctor for a physical.

I think we all tend to save our vacation days for actual vacations (I know I generally do), but I highly recommend taking random days off like this when you have the chance.

She Has My Vote

7 Feb

In the absence of anything better to write about … Just thought I’d tell y’all that I’ve already picked my favorite American Idol contestant: Haley Scarnato, who was on the show last night. Clearly, she impressed the judges — especially Randy, who was totally, obviously flirting with her. Simon thought she wasn’t unique, but given the crap that’s been on so far, the fact that she’s this good makes her unique. I think the foundation is there for her to make a strong run during the competition, and it’s not just because she’s really cute. So take a look and join me in the campaign to make Haley Scarnato our next American Idol!