Archive | 11:30 pm

Vote for Haley

14 Feb

Well, my favorite American Idol contestant, Haley Scarnato, has made it to the top 24. Last week I told you she was one to watch, and now I’m getting a little confident in my prediction. I mean, she’s already got a fan site and a blog (sort of), and a Google search produces all kinds of results. Clearly I’m not the only one who sees her potential. So next Wednesday night, when the top 12 women perform, do your part and vote for Haley. Woo hoo! (And if you need reminding of how good — and good looking — she is, here’s her initial audition clip again.)

Live-Blogging the Weather?

14 Feb

Some people live-blog award shows and others live-blog Super Bowl commercials. But how come no one live-blogs the weather, especially on a day like today? I mean, it may not be all that interesting by comparison (9:38 — It’s snowing really hard; 10:22 — Now it’s starting to turn to rain; 3:40 — The wind has really picked up) but wouldn’t it be infinitely more practical and useful? I mean, forget those weatherpeople on TV, stuck inside their comfortable studios with their computers, telling us how much rain has accumulated or what the forecast is. And forget the reporters all across the region telling us that, yup, it’s snowing out here in Worcester (or up in Marblehead, or out in Framingham, or wherever the reporters are stationed). What I want to know when I go out to lunch or home at the end of the day is, what is it really like out there? Are the winds really as bad as they sound? Is the rain coming down hard, or is it just misty? And how have the conditions changed over the course of the day?

I think it’d actually be fun to have a regular Joe (or Jane) post a dispatch from his or her experience of being outside every so often (like, say, every hour) saying what the conditions were like. For example, when I went out to lunch earlier today, it really wasn’t so bad walking down Summer Street toward Downtown Crossing. But as soon as I turned the corner on Chauncy St. onto Franklin, that’s when the wind and rain became a bit of a problem. That’s valuable information. If I had documented that here, in a running commentary that I updated often, maybe I could have provided a service. Not that such a thing would have to be so exact so you knew exactly where the person went. But at least you’d know what the weather was like downtown.

I know Mike Wankum, from channel 5, has a blog and I’m sure there are other weatherpeople who do, too, but I want someone down on the ground, one of the “real” people out there, to give me an actual weather report, not a forecast. I think that’d be a good read.

What I Did For Love

14 Feb

As is well-documented on this site, my theory on Valentine’s Day — especially if you’re like me and don’t have anyone to spend the day with — is to be good to yourself and spend the day doing things you love. So despite the storm (which sounds worse as it hits the skylights in my office than it actually is outside), I made the hike over to Sam Lagrassa’s for lunch today. And damn if it wasn’t worth it. As always, my roast beef was freshly sliced and warm, the Italian roll was doughy and good, and the mayonnaise, lettuce, and cucumber provided the perfect accompaniments. Suffice it to say, it was yet another excellent sandwich from Sam’s. And thanks to one of my coworkers, who ordered holiday cupcakes for the office, I also had a tasty dessert.

So, storm be damned, I am in love — with myself. I hope you all have Valentines who go that extra mile to make you happy today too.

The St. Valentine’s Day Mess

14 Feb

I don’t know what’s lamer: that there’s a big storm on Valentine’s Day, or that all the snow we have waited all winter for and that was only on the ground for, like, an hour is already getting washed away by all this stupid rain. Are we ever going to get a real snowstorm this year?? You know, one with accumulation that stays on the ground for at least a day? I’d say at this point we’ve earned it.

Love Is All Around

14 Feb

In honor of Valentine’s Day, just thought I’d compile a short list of some of the things I love today:
* the Oreo cookies at the Paradise Bakery in the Pru
* Eddie Murphy’s Delirious — especially the “Ice Cream Man” bit
* getting a seat on the T in the morning
* Lost and Grey’s Anatomy
* waking up with Ann Curry
* the cake at Shaw’s
* my new computer
* Business 2.0‘s “101 Dumbest Moments in Business
* quarter-zip sweaters
* Countdown with Keith Olbermann
* hot chocolate on a cold day
* a roast beef sandwich on an Italian roll from Sam Lagrassa’s
* Barats and Bereta
* snow!
* baseball is back!
* you (yes, you)