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Too Much Change Needed

21 Jan

Alright, so not all was worth celebrating on Inauguration Day.

Eager to have a keepsake, I stopped off on the way home from work to pick up the Globe‘s special Inauguration Extra. After all, on a day like that, despite the Web and the decreasing interest in print media, you still can’t replace the tangible reminder that a newspaper provides.

I expected the Extra edition to be the day’s paper, but with an updated version of the front section. Instead, it was just an 8-page recap of the swearing-in ceremony itself, with the full text of Obama’s speech, some analysis, and a compilation of some of his previous speeches.

But that’s it, just eight pages.

What’s worse, it cost $2, which, if you don’t know, is $1.25 more than the entire daily paper.

Yes, I bought it anyway, but I felt like a real sucker.

Bait and Switch

1 Apr

If you saw a front-page newspaper headline blaring “Honey, I Duct-Taped the Kids!” and were given the page number where you’d find the story about how a mother bound her kids to chairs and then posted the pics on MySpace, what would you expect to find there?

Pictures, right?

Not if you read the Boston Herald today. There are no pictures to be found. Bummer. I mean, not that I endorse this behavior at all. I find it reprehensible, as I’m sure everyone does.

But that part of me that’s fond of the salacious and unsavory behavior of people with no brains wanted to see the pics. Continue reading

Is the Globe Desperate for Readers?

22 May

I don’t really need to make fun of BostonNOW since other folks are already doing so, but I thought I’d take a second to laugh at the situation outside the Washington Street exit of the T this morning at Downtown Crossing.

At the top of the stairs was that guy who is always there, hawking the BostonNOW in the same annoying way he always is: “BostonNOW. Free PAPER. Win a THOUSAND BUCKS. FREE paper.”

A few feet behind him, in front of Macy’s, was the guy hawking the Metro, only he was older, quiet, subtle, and knew he didn’t have to try hard to give away his papers.

But then, also right next to the T exit, was a slightly sad-looking woman in a wheelchair, speaking in a meek tone, asking if anyone wanted a free copy of The Globe 100. Continue reading

I’m Too Sexy for the Phoenix

12 Apr

Good news: I did not make the Boston Phoenix‘s list of the 100 Unsexiest Men in the World, like Gilbert Gottfried did.


I guess when Justin Timberlake was bringing sexy back, these guys were otherwise occupied.

Thankfully, I sent JT my $19.95 just in time.

One More Time

17 Sep

Well, Adam Gaffin has done it again.

He’s gone and included me in his latest blog roundup article in the Sunday Boston Globe.

And of course, which posting of mine did he spotlight? My recent silly one about how I don’t like Cambridge, Somerville, or anywhere on the Red Line. This one has been popular ever since Adam linked to it a couple weeks ago on

You can read the Globe story here. Continue reading

Like Rain on Your Wedding Day

10 Jul

I’m sure I’m not the first — and I know I won’t be the last — person to point out the utter irony of the Herald‘s front page today.

Juxtaposed right next to a photo of the chaos that erupted in the North End following Italy’s World Cup victory is the headline “Peace on Our Streets.”


(And yes, I know “rain on your wedding day” is not ironic. So isn’t it ironic that the headline of my posting about irony is not actually ironic? Don’t ya think?)

Back in the Globe

28 May

Just a quick post to let you know (if you’re interested) that my blog’s been quoted in the Boston Globe again.

It’s a reference to my recent posting about the T driver who was afraid of a spider.

The Guy’s Got Balls

2 May

I hate to be crass, but um, Derek Jeter does himself no favors by promoting the Yankees’ “mini balls” on the cover of today’s New York Post.

What is he — and the team itself — thinking?

Just a Quick Question

23 Jan

Is there anyone out there who doesn’t know the Metro is free? Why do all the hawkers feel the need to emphasize “free” when they’re giving out papers? “Metro! Free Metro!” I don’t get it.

(Alright, that was two questions. But they’re related.)

A Plug in (and for) the Globe

5 Jan

I found out not too long ago that my blog was quoted again today in The Boston Globe‘s “Sidekick” section.

Now, I’m not one to complain (alright, maybe I am), and I’m really appreciative of the folks at “Sidekick” for quoting me as often as they have, but I wish those responsible would have chosen a different entry this time. The posting they quoted from — just about in its entirety — was the one from Monday where I commented on the Globe‘s story about the increasing number of millionaires in the Boston area. It’s a good plug for the paper, in the paper. Continue reading