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Why Do 1,700 People Follow Me on Twitter?

21 Mar

On Monday, I gained my 1,700th Twitter follower. Congratulations and thank you to @guycitarella!

That’s right: 1,700 people follow me on Twitter.

That many people (mostly people, anyway) care what I have to say.

I know. I’m just as surprised as you are.

It’s an amazing thing when you stop to think about it. Sure, it took me two and a half years to get that many, and yes, I know lots of people have many more followers than that … but the average Twitter user doesn’t have as many, so I think it’s pretty cool.

Of course, the big question I have — and maybe you do too — is why?

What is it about what I’m tweeting that all these people have decided to follow me?

I know lots of people struggle to get followers, so in an effort to answer the question for me, and for you, I took a look at what I’ve been tweeting and created this word cloud using

What can we learn from that? Continue reading